Tuesday 13 March 2012

Tribute to Ludwig Van Beethoven: 241 Years of Magnificence

It has been 241 years of magnificence since December 16th, 1770, when Ludwig Van Beethoven was born. Since Point and Touch was not on during December, today's tribute will hope to pay off.

Please enjoy the pictures below, as a tribute to the man whom saved music.

Thank you for reading this special addition of Point and Touch!

Sunday 4 March 2012

Let's Learn a Scale! C Major: Broken Triad

Welcome to http://PointandTouch.blogspot.com/ once again!

This week, I would like to do a short post on something called a scale. A scale is when you play different notes softly passed onto one finger to the next, playing the same notes up the piano, letting every note have a turn to be first. Today I would to introduce the easiest scale to do. This scale is called a triad. It is broken form, meaning it is legato and the notes are pronounced seperate. Not like solid form, where you play all the notes at the same time. This triad is broken C Major. It has no sharps, flats, or two notes beside each other.
Above, you see three notes highlighted: C, E, and G. (in order from left to right) In a C Major broken triad scale, you must start with C, then E, then G. Then, as I said at first, each note must have a turn to be on the first finger in order. Then you put your first finger on E, then G, then the octave higher C. Now, G still hasn't been first. So you go G, then C, then octave higher E. Then you go backwards to middle C again.

Lastly, I would like to play a game. If you know this composer, whom is not as famous as Beethoven or Mozart, comment below who this composer is. If no one guesses it, I will tell you in the next post next week!
Thank you for reading, and join us next week at Point and Touch!